Glitterblood (1991)
Glitterblood was a 16-part OVA (original video animation) produced by Satoshi Animation of Okayama, Japan in the Fall of 1990. It was picked up for distribution by Buzmel later that year and released with subtitles only in late 1991. Each episode had a runtime of about 23 to 30 mintues each. Directed by Akiko Yamashita. Written by Toshio Tsumuraya and Shin Mifune.
Glitterblood could be described as Twilight meets My Little Pony meets Hellraiser.
Horses calmly hanging near a lake.
Moment of peace.
Visiting a beautiful valley.
Demonic horses standing in a forest.
Soldiers listening to a speech from their commander or king.
Possessed horses defending their castle.
Dark noble horses pausing.
Horses watching someone being attacked.
Demonic horses charging into battle.
Horses walking in forest.
Horses galluping.
Noble horses walking at dusk.
Horses running at dusk.
Horses looking in shock.
The transformation.
Being absorbed.
Horses in the wind.
Demonic horse chaos.